SC Seminar: Valentin Fütterling

Valentin Fütterling, Fraunhofer ITWM Title: Photo-realistic image synthesis with Path Tracing – An optimization problem? Abstract: Path tracing is a versatile, physically-based algorithm to generate photo-realistic images from virtual objects and environments. Applications are wide-spread in movie production, product design … Continue reading

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SC Seminar: Thomas Economon

Thomas Economon, Aerospace Design Laboratory, Stanford University Title: Simulation-based Analysis and Design for Efficient Aerospace Systems Abstract: The aerospace industry regularly depends upon computational methods for analyzing and designing advanced aircraft, launch vehicles, or jet engines, for example. However, these … Continue reading

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SC Seminar: Andreas Griewank

Prof. Andreas Griewank, School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Yachay Tech Title: Optimality and convexity conditions for piecewise smooth objective functions Abstract: Any piecewise smooth function that is specified by an evaluation procedure involving smooth elemental functions and piecewise linear functions … Continue reading

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SC Seminar: Max Sagebaum

Max Sagebaum, SciComp Title: Current and future developments of the AD tool CoDiPack Abstract: One year after the first release of CoDiPack, the advancements of the tool in this time period are shown. The features are explained and use cases … Continue reading

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SC Seminar: Joshua Billert

Joshua Billert, RHRK/SciComp Title: Performance beim HTTP – Beschleunigte Ladezeiten bei Webseiten durch technisch angepasste Templates Abstract: Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten, welche die Ladezeit im Browser beeinflussen und liefert Lösungsansätze, um Webseiten performanter zu gestalten.

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SC Seminar: Gabor Janiga

PD Dr. Gabor Janiga, Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Strömungstechnik und Thermodynamik (ISUT) Title: CFD-based flow optimization for engineering and medical applications Abstract: The present talk discusses various optimization problems based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. The application of stochastic … Continue reading

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SC Seminar: Ole Burghardt

Ole Burghardt, SciComp/Robert Bosch GmbH Title: Wärmeübergangsmodelle und –sensitivitäten an Fluid-Festkörper-Grenzflächen Abstract: Die Wärmeverteilung in einem Festkörper wird durch reine Wärmeleitung – das heißt, nach dem Fourierschen Gesetz durch die Temperaturgradienten – bestimmt, im Fluid hingegen auch durch die Konvektion … Continue reading

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