SC Seminar: Daniel Baumgärtner

Daniel Baumgärtner, Chair of Structural Analysis, Technical University of Munich Title: Node-based shape optimization including CAD-reconstruction within an open-source multiphysics framework Abstract: The current state of the art in shape optimization is dominated by approaches utilizing computer-aided design (CAD) or … Continue reading

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SC Seminar: Raju Ram

Raju Ram, ITWM Title: Parallel Deflated Conjugate Gradient Method to Model Groundwater Flow in a Layered Grid Abstract: Groundwater, present beneath the earth’s surface in soil pore spaces, is the primary source of fresh water that we use in day … Continue reading

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SciComp Workshop

The goal of the workshop is to give an overview of recent research activities at SciComp. In addition, two collaborators from University of Mannheim as well as Karlsruhe Institute of Technology will give invited presentations. Program 11:00 – 11:30 AG … Continue reading

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SC Seminar: Jonas Kusch

Jonas Kusch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Title: An approximate Newton Smoothing Method for Shape Optimization Abstract: In this talk, we derive a smoothing method for shape optimization in Stokes and Navier-Stokes flows. The smoothing routine automatically picks a spatially dependent … Continue reading

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SC Seminar: Johannes Blühdorn

Johannes Blühdorn, TU Kaiserslautern Title: Automatic Differentiation of Fixed Points Abstract: In the context of automatic differentiation, special care must be taken when differentiating code that incorporates a fixed point iteration. The memory consumption due to taping for the reverse … Continue reading

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SC Seminar: Johannes Blühdorn

Johannes Blühdorn, TU Kaiserslautern Title: Efficient Solution of the Unit Cell Problem Abstract: For materials with complex microstructure, analytical descriptions of the effective (macroscopic) behaviour are usually not available. In the context of mathematical homogenization, the effective behaviour is approximated … Continue reading

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SC Seminar: Falco Schneider

Falco Schneider, ITWM Title: Speed Limit and Ramp Meter Control for Traffic Flow Networks Abstract: Within the scope of autonomous driving, optimal traffic control yields a possible application by metering the traffic to increase the efficiency of the traffic flow. … Continue reading

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SC Seminar: Max Stein

Max Stein, TU Kaiserslautern Title: GPU accelerated AD for a financial application Abstract: Pricing call options using Monte Carlo simulation is massively parallel and hence very well suited for GPU acceleration, where one might wonder if this is also the … Continue reading

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SC Seminar: Claudia Schillings

Prof. Dr. Claudia Schillings, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Mannheim Title: Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse Problems Abstract: Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) is an interesting, fast growing research area aimed at developing methods to address the impact of parameter, data and model uncertainty … Continue reading

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SC Seminar: Tim Albring, Ole Burghardt

Title: Selected shape optimization problems from industry and how to solve them with modern HPC techniques In this talk we like to give a small insight into shape optimization problems from industry that we were involved in the last couple … Continue reading

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